Salud Mental

Association of depression and anxiety with characteristics related to the training of medical residents


Ulises Ángeles-Garay
Nataly Tlecuitl-Mendoza
José Luis Jiménez López
José Arturo Velázquez García


Introduction. Higher rates of depression and anxiety have been reported in resident physicians compared to the general population. The association with characteristics related to training has been poorly studied.

Objective. To know the association of depression and anxiety with characteristics related to training in a group in medical residents.

Method. 542 resident physicians of different grade and specialty were included. They answered the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview to identify depression and anxiety. The training characteristics evaluated were: work performance; use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; grade of residence; frequency of guards; type of specialty; and emotional exhaustion. Other factors assessed by their possible association were: personal antecedent of depression and/or anxiety and presence of any medical illness.

Results. 277 women and 265 men with an average age of 28 were evaluated. The prevalence of depression and anxiety found was 12.2% and 47.1%, respectively, and was associated with work fatigue, decreased socio-labor performance, emotional exhaustion, harmful alcohol consumption, and personal history of depression and/or anxiety.

Discussion and conclusion. There are training-related characteristics that could promote depression and anxiety in physicians vulnerable to depression and/or anxiety.
Depression, anxiety, training, medical residency


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