Salud Mental

Past, present, and future of Child Psychiatry in Mexico


Emmanuel Isaías Sarmiento Hernández
Patricia Zavaleta Ramírez
Armida Granados Rojas


The period between 0 and 18 years of age, childhood and adolescence, is the stage when children and adolescents have the best opportunity to grow, develop, and become healthy and productive adults. It is known that during this stage, children are exposed to multiple biological, psychological, and social influences which can become risky or protective factors for physical and mental health (Pérez-Cuevas & Muñoz-Hernández, 2014). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one half of the mental disorders begin before to 14 years old (Kessler et al., 2007) and from these only 20% are identified and receive mental health care (Neves & Leanza, 2014).


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