Salud Mental

The Mental Health Provider Shortage in the Mexican Public Sector: 2023 estimates of psychiatrists and psychologists


Evalinda Barrón-Velázquez
José Javier Mendoza-Velásquez
Araceli Mercado-Lara
Juan Manuel Quijada-Gaytán
Juan Francisco Flores-Vázquez


Introduction. Mental health has historically been overlooked in public policies in Mexico, with up to 80% of people with mental health and substance-related disorders in Mexico lacking adequate care.

Objective. To characterize the mental health provider (psychiatrists and psychologists) shortage in the Mexican public sector.

Method. Descriptive study. Data from SINERHIAS (Ministry of Health of Mexico) up to the first half of 2023 were analyzed.

Results. A total of 1,504 psychiatrists worked in the public sector (1.1 per 100,000 population). The Health Ministry (Secretaría de Salud; Spanish acronym SS) employed 55.9%, IMSS 25.9%, ISSSTE 7.2%, while 1.0% were affiliated to other public institutions. There were 8,668 psychologists in the public sector (6.9 per 100,000 population), of which the SS employed 78.9%, IMSS 6.3%, ISSSTE 2.4%, while 12.3% worked at other public institutions. Thirty-four per cent of psychiatrists were in Mexico City, while 21 states, accounting for 70% of the population, had one psychiatrist or fewer per 100,000 population. Hospital units employed 83.3% of psychiatrists.

Discussion. Mexico has an insufficient number of mental health providers at public institutions, with disparities between states and most providers affiliated to hospital units.

Conclusion. There is an acute mental health provider shortage in the Mexican public sector, together with limited resources for community mental health care, affecting the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders.

Health service administration, psychiatry, psychology, healthcare disparities, health service accessibility, Mexico


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