Salud Mental

Opinions on the Medical and Recreational Use and Legalization of Marijuana in Mexico:  Results of a National Survey


Shoshana Berenzon-Gorn
Nayelhi Saavedra-Solano
Marycarmen Bustos-Gamiño
Raquel Mondragón
Clara Fleiz-Bautista
Silvia Carreño
María Elena Medina-Mora
Jorge Villatoro-Velázquez


Introduction. The use of medical marijuana was legalized in Mexico in 2017. In June 2021, the Supreme Court authorized personal marijuana use, as well as its planting, cultivation, harvest, preparation, possession, and transportation for recreational purposes by persons aged 18 and over, decriminalizing its use.

Objectives. 1) To determine which variables are associated with favorable opinions regarding medical use, recreational use, and the legalization of marijuana use; and 2) to determine whether there are differences in the variables that best predict support for medicinal and recreational use and legalization of marijuana among marijuana users and non-users.

Method. Data are drawn from the 2016 National Survey on Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use, administered to a nationally representative sample of Mexican households. A validated questionnaire was used with questions on demographic characteristics, marijuana use (including the number of times it has been used), respondents’ opinions regarding the legalization of marijuana and recreational use, whether they have been offered marijuana without having to pay for it, perception of risk associated with marijuana use, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Results. Being male and having a low perception of the risks of marijuana use are the variables mostly strongly associated with approving medical and recreational use and its legalization, irrespective of whether respondents used it. Other variables associated with approval are age, educational attainment, and income level.

Discussion and Conclusion. Legislators and policy makers should consider the full range of public opinion concerning the use and legalization of marijuana and incorporate it into their proposals.

opinions, marijuana, medicinal, recreational, legalization, users, Mexico


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