Salud Mental

Physicians’ discontent: burnout and the deterioration of medical practice


Bernardo Moreno-Jiménez
María del Carmen Yeo Ayala
Ana Fresán-Orellana


It is a well-known fact among professionals that medical well-being has eroded in recent decades (Schrijver, Brady, & Trockel, 2016), together with the mental health of medical professionals. The root of medical mental problems is clinical practice. Practicing medicine is not an easy task since it involves constantly confronting disease, pain, suffering, the progressive loss of quality of life, and even death (Boorse, 2016). Eventhough coping with and accompanying these processes to suppress or alleviate them provides satisfaction and personal fulfillment (Janus et al., 2008), it also has a cost. Being involved in improving the health of others often compromises the physical and mental health of physicians, and their professional quality of life (Mingote Adán, Moreno Jiménez, Gálvez Herrer, 2004). Engaging in a difficult clinical relationship is compounded by the problems of a system of working conditions that contribute to medical mental exhaustion (Milner et al., 2017).


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