Salud Mental

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: a case report in Mexico


Luis Fernando García-Frade Ruiz
Emmanuel Solís Ayala
Ana de la Fuente-Martín


Background. The first case report on the Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) was registered in 2004. Years later, other research groups complemented the description of CHS, adding that it was associated with such behaviors as chronic cannabis abuse, acute episodes of nausea, intractable vomiting, abdominal pain and compulsive hot baths, which ceased when cannabis use was stopped.

Objective. To provide a brief review of CHS and report the first documented case of CHS in Mexico.

Method. Through a systematic search in PUBMED from 2004 to 2016, a brief review of CHS was integrated. For the second objective, CARE clinical case reporting guidelines were used to register and manage a patient with CHS at a high specialty general hospital.

Results. Until December 2016, a total of 89 cases had been reported worldwide, although none from Latin American countries.

Discussion and conclusions. Despite the cases reported in the scientific literature, experts have yet to achieve a comprehensive consensus on CHS etiology, diagnosis and treatment. The lack of a comprehensive, standardized CHS algorithm increases the likelihood of malpractice, in addition to contributing to the patient’s biopsychosocial deterioration and raising care costs.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, diagnosis, cannabis abuse, case reports, review, Mexico


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