Salud Mental

Intrafamily relations and resilience as protectors against depressive symptoms in Mexican high school students


Héctor Rubén Bravo-Andrade


Introduction. Between 27.3% and 31.5% of adolescents in Mexico may present symptoms of depression. This issue has been studied from both family and resilience perspectives, although few studies have examined their interaction.

Objective. In this study, we evaluated the influence of intrafamily relations and resilience on depressive symptoms in Mexican high school students, for which an analysis by sex was conducted.

Method. For this correlation cross-sectional study, we evaluated 511 adolescents using the Revised Depression Scale of the Center for Epidemiological Studies, the short version of the Intrafamily Relation Evaluation Scale, and the Revised Resilience Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. We performed multiple linear regression analyzes by sex using the stepwise method.

Results. For young men, the predictor variables were expression, difficulties, and problem-solving (R2a = .34), whereas for young women the variables were union and support, difficulties, and empathy (R2a = .25).

Discussion and conclusion. This study indicates specific aspects of intrafamily relations and resilience to develop sex-sensitive interventions to prevent depression in high school students.
Depressive symptoms, intrafamily relations, resilience, adolescents, sex


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