Salud Mental

Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Appraisal Inventory for Patients with Chronic Pain in Mexican population


Vania Barrientos Casarrubias
Angélica Riveros Rosas
Catalina González-Forteza


Introduction. Cognitive assessment is the process whereby individuals assess the effect an adverse circumstance has on their well-being (primary assessment) and their ability to cope with it (secondary assessment), which is closely related to the emotional and behavioral response they show as a result.

Objective. To determine the validity and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Cognitive Assessment Inventory (CAI) for patients with chronic pain for Mexican population.

Method. A total of 191 adults with chronic pain completed the Spanish version of the CAI, as well as self-report measures of disability, daily activities, anxiety, and depression.

Results. The confirmatory factor analysis for each type of primary cognitive assessment included in the CAI yielded models with satisfactory goodness of fit and Cronbach’s α indices (loss/damage: CMIN/DF = 1.132, NFI = .935, CFI = .992, AGFI = .939, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .026, α = .73; threat: CMIN/DF = 1.132, NFI = .935, CFI = .992, AGFI = .939, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .026, α = .81; and challenge: CMIN/DF = 1.567, NFI = .939, CFI = .977, AGFI = .926, SRMR = .044, RMSEA = .055, α = .86). Cognitive assessments of loss/harm and threat were positively associated with the degree of disability, depression, and anxiety, and negatively associated with the performance of daily activities. The opposite occurred with the cognitive assessment of challenge.

Discussion and conclusion. The Spanish version of the CAI is a valid, quick, easy, and reliable tool for evaluating the primary cognitive assessment of pain, a construct closely related to physical disability and emotional suffering in response to this experience, which may be modified through brief cognitive interventions.
Cognitive evaluation, chronic pain, psychometric properties, Mexico


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