Salud Mental

Depression, suicide ideation, and irrational beliefs: Explanatory models in psychology students


Pedro David Rosas-Fuentes
Karla Patricia Valdés-García
Iris Rubí Monroy-Velasco
Bárbara de los Ángeles Pérez-Pedraza
Luis Miguel Sánchez-Loyo


Introduction. In rational emotive behavioral therapy, irrational beliefs are significant in mental health since their presence leads to conditions such as depression and suicidal ideation. Since these conditions have been increasing worldwide, it is essential to explore the factors that contribute to their understanding.

Objective. To design explanatory models for depression and suicidal ideation based on irrational beliefs in psychology students.

Method. Quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study with multivariate analysis.

Results. Two explanatory models were designed: one for depression and the other for suicidal ideation. Thirty-nine per cent of depressive symptomatology can be explained by the presence of irrational beliefs concerning perfectionism, avoidance of responsibilities, concern over the future, and the determinism of the past. At the same time, 54% of suicidal ideation can be explained by the presence of beliefs centering on perfectionism, avoidance of responsibilities, external locus of control, and the determinism of the past.

Discussion and conclusion. Depression and suicidal ideation in psychology students can partly be explained by irrational beliefs concerning perfectionism, external locus of control, concern over the future, avoidance of responsibilities, and the determinism of the past. Clinical care approaches can modify these beliefs to reduce symptoms and promote mental health.
Mental health, depression, suicide, suicidal ideation, irrational beliefs


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